Earlier this week, the BankTech team was proud to host our second annual Limited Partner conference in Chicago, where we were lucky enough to experience all 4 seasons in about 4 days!
As I reflect back on the hectic but gratifying time together, nothing stands out to me more than the importance of relationships. Whether these be with bankers, our portfolio, or the overall BankTech ecosystem, bringing our true selves to every interaction continues to fuel the passion and joy our team has for our mission of bringing together banking and technology. Many of you made the (right) decision to join us this week, and we couldn’t have been more glad to see you actively engaged in conversations, whether they were business or just for fun.
Cicero once said “More is lost by indecision than wrong decision. Indecision is the thief of opportunity.” If you weren’t able to tune in for our opening summit remarks, remember that our theme for this year is ‘doing’.
Today, make another choice to do something to keep the momentum going. Pick up the phone and call the banker you recently met. Get in touch with the tech company that’s been trying to get feedback from you for a while. Reach out to the BankTech team, whether it’s just to catch up or to talk about banking-tech. Wherever you are in your journey, bring others along with you. Continue to foster the relationships in this great community we’re building through meaningful decisions, and we all come out better.
Need some ideas on how? Check out Three Steps to Kickstart Your Bank's Innovation.
We can’t wait to see you all again - whether virtually or at the next great event!